Rog Lucido: How does High Stakes Testing Affect Our Students?
Published by Anthony Cody in Living in Dialogue on September 26, 2012 10:27 AM
post by Rog Lucido.
Also posted on Diane Ravitch's Blog at
Also posted on Diane Ravitch's Blog at
NCLB ushered in the national era of
high-stakes testing in all of our schools. Soon the consequences of this
testing became apparent. The Alliance for Childhood
revealed that parents, teachers, school nurses, psychologists, and child
psychiatrists reported that the stress of high-stakes testing was literally
making children sick. Kathy Vannini, the elementary school nurse in Longmeadow,
Massachusetts, said she dreads the springtime weeks when children must take the
MCAS -- the lengthy tests now required of Massachusetts students starting in
third grade. "My office is filled with children with headaches and
stomachaches every day," she reports. One third-grader was beside himself
on the morning of the test--he could not stop sobbing. I've been a school nurse
for twenty years, and the stresses on children have worsened in that time. But
this testing has greatly increased their anxiety level."... The school's
counselor, he added, reports more and more students with anxiety-related
symptoms, sleep problems, drug use, avoidance behaviors, attendance problems,
acting out, and the like..."
"I am seeing more families where
schoolwork that is developmentally inappropriate for the cognitive levels of
children is causing emotional havoc at home," says Dr. Marilyn Benoit of
Howard University, president-elect of the American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry. "The pressure on teachers to teach to tests and
outperform their colleagues is translating into stressful evenings for parents
and children." Sharna Olfman, a developmental and clinical psychologist at
Point Park University in Pittsburgh, says, "Developmentally inappropriate
early childhood education that is insensitive to individual learning styles is
on the rise. It is no coincidence that we are witnessing an unprecedented
increase in the number of young children being labeled and treated for
psychiatric illnesses ranging from learning disabilities and attention
disorders to anxiety and depression."
From another view, the high-stakes
testing system does not take into account children's mental or physical
conditions before, during or after testing. The system also does not consider
students' learning styles. It does not seek the best way of getting the truth
from each student. It believes that the testing format (in the vast majority of
cases, multiple choice) is student learning style neutral. It's not. There is a
silent prejudice that gives high-stakes testing advantages to some students
learning styles over others. It is not just based on Jungian typology but will
also find support in Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences as well
as Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic learning styles. As a simple example,
approximately 25% of students are introverts. They prefer silence so they can
process internally. The 75% of extroverts prefer to process by hearing
themselves think as they talk. Since silence is a key element of these tests,
Meyers-Briggs research shows the validity of such learning style preferences on
student assessments. As intuitive students are much better in reading
interpretations, we find that introverted intuitive students are the best
scorers on these 'learning style neutral' assessments. High-stakes testing
development is so myopic in its construction and interpretation of resulting
scores, that it does not concern itself with the uniqueness of individual
students and how to best extract their knowledge and skills. Its focus is to
produce a number that can then be claimed as the truth. Meanwhile without
realizing it kids are being horribly misjudged, educators are drawing
irrelevant conclusions and parents are being sold disinformation. This really
is a gross miscarriage of justice.
In like fashion we need to see student
disregard as it is happening -- by what students are not being taught, how
schooling is being delivered and what they are being denied. These are the
educational travesties of commission and omission. The current thrust is to
train students to diminish their natural desire to learn about the world in
exchange for improving their state test scores. Schools contribute to the
development of each student's self-image by reinforcing both the positive and
negative aspects of their academic and social successes and failures.
High-stakes testing has created a culture where students can demean themselves
by identifying who they are in terms of their test results: "Oh, I am just
basic, (proficient, far below basic, etc.)". This form of self
recrimination can stay with a student their whole life. This is evidenced when
schools develop incentives with privileges for
students who score well, as they also expose those who do not by elimination.
Now everyone will know who they are!
Educators are being duped into
following strategies that are being touted as the latest advancement in
learning when the truth is closer to indoctrination. Students want to do 'well'
in school. The word 'well' is being redefined as scores on annual high stakes
tests, spawned by NCLB, and now to be enhanced by Common Core Standards which
will increase testing by many times over. Curriculum is being narrowed to fewer
and fewer options. Science, social studies, art, music and physical education are
being radically reduced in favor of math and English test prep. Teachers are
having their autonomy and creativity taken away by canned lessons and pacing
student learning to prepare for testing. These strategies are bought by
districts that bring in outside 'consultants' who nurture the testing mania.
How can we expect our students to think outside the box when their teachers are
being crammed into a corner by threats, intimidation and coercion to go along
with site and district policies and practices that are at the center of student
mistreatment? Frightening teachers to conform to the corporate desire to
control schools does nothing more than instill fear into their students so that
they will also comply in becoming a generation of mindless workers, genuflecting
at the behest of the likes of the Walton family, Bill Gates, and Eli Broad.
Are we to dismiss these as isolated
events or does the high-stakes testing atmosphere provide the motivations and
opportunities for these and other ways of harming our students? This should
become a wakeup call to look at each of our states/districts/schools for
evidence that high-stakes testing is a silent disabler of our students, the
effects of which they will bear in both their educational and personal lives.
But I want to caution that some readers may not want to believe what is
happening in these situations or be prone to dismiss it as trivial and of
little consequence unless it can be validated that it is always and everywhere.
All it takes is for one student to be so petrified as to throw up that I would
wish that all detractors would spend that moment within that student's inner
being to experience what this testing mania is doing to just this one person. I
think that would be enough.
A recent 'Ask Amy' was titled, 'Childhood abuse leads to a lifetime of pain'.
There is nothing that sickens me more than to open the newspaper and read about
one or more children being abused by trusted adults. It's disgusting. My first
response is to protect these kids from the perpetrator(s), and then punish the
abuser(s) so that they cannot ever do this again. Sometimes these are solitary
events, and at other instances the cruel behavior takes place over a longer
period of time. In most cases, the abusers attempt to conceal what has taken
place, not wanting to be found out. Often the children may not even know that
what is happening is wrong, and so they tolerate it in silence, thinking that
this is the way it's supposed to be. Then later on they come to the realization
of what was done to them scarred their life in unimaginable ways. There are
also situations where another adult is aware that child abuse is taking place
and either ignores it or is too frightened to call the authorities to stop it.
While they themselves are not the perpetrators, they permit their fears to
immobilize them into preventative action.
is happening to many students is often not immediately apparent to them or their
parents/guardians. It is insidious. Students are being seduced into believing
they are just 'going to school', when in fact their hopes, dreams and
aspirations are being taken from them by the systemic focus on high-stakes
testing. It was not too many years ago that women suffered silently with abuse
by men as many dismissed their claims as just so much blather and more than
likely created by their own behaviors. Even though all women were not so
treated, neither were all men the cause, but the anecdotal evidence and
continual testimony of women gave credence to many types of abuse: mental,
physical, sexual, etc....such that now we acknowledge that it is a systemic
disorder found in our culture and that of many other societies. Our eyes are no
longer closed but now opened.
For those who think we should be
student advocates in this regard, join the thousands-individuals, organizations
and school boards who have endorsed the National Resolution on High Stakes Testing.
Go to your local school/board and ask what their test prep policies are and
speak to those which are not in the best interests of students. While states
require the distribution of tests, it cannot force students to take them and in
some states parents can opt their children out. Help stop the high-stakes
testing impact on our students!
What do you think? How seriously should
we be taking the effects of high-stakes testing on students?
Horace (Rog) Lucido, now retired,
taught high school physics and mathematics for over thirty-eight years as well
as being both a university mentor and master teacher. He is the California
Central Valley coordinator for the Assessment Reform Network and cofounder of Educators and Parents Against
Testing Abuse (EPATA). He is the author of two books: Test, Grade and
Score: Never More, 1993, and Educational
Genocide: A Plague on our Children, 2010. He has written numerous
articles on the impact of high-stakes testing as well as presenting workshops
on Forgiving Learning.