Testing Abuse

Email us at roglucido@gmail.com

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Common Core Exposed

In the ongoing effort to debunk the Common Core Standards and associated testing, I have created a PowerPoint called Common Core Exposed. I have posted it in two downloadable versions. The first is a Read Only version that can be used at one’s own pace for presentations at school boards, parent meetings and the like. References for each slide are below each slide by just hitting Esc on your keyboard. The second version is that same PowerPoint made into a YouTube movie  ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lch0gNAdS6k&feature=youtu.be ) with music in the background that proceeds at a given rate. It can be paused and reinitiated with the spacebar if you need to take more time to read any given slide. The references on the movie version are on a set of slides at the end of the presentation. I hope you will find good uses for it and pass along those who you think may be interested. Links to both versions can be found at  http://www.laserpablo.com/teacherresources/teacherresources.htm . Just scroll to the bottom of the page to the right of my picture are the links.

I have also created a Facebook page called Stop Common Core in California’s Central Valley (https://www.facebook.com/stopcommoncorecentalvalleycalifornia)